Cup half empty or half full?
Even though my cup is chipped, I am grateful my cup is refillable! Sooooooo I am jumping into 2019 GRATEFUL! I am grateful that I have learned that my cup doesn’t have to continue to run dry. Somebody once said “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make sure you are filling your cup first so you have something to pour into others.” When I make the time to talk to God and build the relationship expected of me with him, I am beaming of joy knowing He knows. God knows my needs, my heart, my goals, my failures, my hurts, my disappointments, my joys, my accomplishments, my thoughts, my prayers. He refills my cup for me. He has my back. He guides my choices. He puts those I need at each moment in my path for wisdom, guidance or even a listening ear. “When you take the time to refill your cup and replenish your spirit, you make the world a better place.” – Nanea Hoffman. Being a Director, or as my students call me Principal, Mom, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Boss, Runner, Yoga lover, Ph. D Student, I tend to always have my plate way too full. However, 2018 has taught me that “It is not selfish to refill your own cup so that you can pour into others. It’s not just a luxury. It is essential.” -Anonymous. It is okay to be and just breathe. These words have guided me into 2019 with the motivation to take the essential time needed with God spiritually, mentally, and physically motivated in order to keep my cup being refilled, so I can fulfill the mission set before me…. loving others by giving joy. What is your prayer and motivation for 2019?
“My cup runneth over.” – Psalm 23:5
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-17