Come to the Table
Easter Time!!! Over the past 40 days, my students, teachers and I have talked about what we could add to our world or take out of our world during this time of Lent. Lots of folks I know have taken these past 40 days to fast. During Holy Week, we go in-depth about what we might need to continue to exclude from our world or what we might need to keep. In other words, if we exclude something negative from our world, then what positive could we add to be more like Jesus?
One thing that was brought to my attention was that I needed to add intentional time with those who need me most. Meaning, I intentionally take time to sit and talk with my boys, my husband, my parents, my friends, my students, my staff… I tend to be soooooo busy these relationships aren’t nurtured properly. God gave me a gift of nurturing, listening, guiding, understanding, love, so for me to ignore that… yep, not acceptable, huh?
As we “come to the table” at school this week, we will take what we need to exclude from our world and nail to our cross. This will be burned and given to God to take from our worry, sadness, negativity, anxiety, or overwhelming feeling that embodies us. We will ask for guidance of what needs to replace the negativity with a positive option of redemption to be set free. Join us where you are in prayer to be set free this Easter season.
“He said come to the table. Come join the sinners who have been redeemed. Take your place beside the Savior not. Sit down and be set free. Come to the table.” -Sidewalk Prophets