For the love of running….
Staying fit can be a love and hate relationship for me. Turning 40 left many agonizing thoughts running through my mind. Should I go run? Should I just have a cup of coffee instead? Do I need to focus more on arms and abs? Nah, I hate arms and abs! Hmmmm… I might could get my arms and abs with yoga today? Oh, yeah…should I focus on yoga more often? These are a few questions I struggle with. Well then I tend to only have just a limited amount of time each day, if I even get that time. So, I retreat back to my love of running. It’s easy! I see progress! I can breathe! When I have extra time, I do add in the yoga which does support shaping my arms, abs and flexibility for continued running.
Someone once said, “Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than your comfort zone”. I’ve learned that I only get the results I want when I step out my comfort zone by pushing through. I lace up even when I don’t feel like I can. I choose to water over diet soda. I choose to not eat the cookies no matter how amazing they smell. I choose to bake or grill instead of frying foods (which is sooooo difficult living in the south). These are just a few things that aren’t very easy to do; HOWEVER, I try remember to tell myself “The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation.” -Anonymous.
The idea if turning 40 never bothered me, but it did make me change my thought process and reflect on what my dreams for fitness really is as I grow older. I also remind myself that 1 year = 365 days of opportunities. Do I always step out of my comfort zone? No, I do stay close to home by hitting the pavement. Do I always have motivation to lace up and run? No, I do make goals that I am intentional about keeping. Whether I meet them or not, I work to be more consistent than I used to be. Letting go of my old sense of fitness to embrace a new sense of fitness. “Letting go isn’t about having the courage to release the past; it’s about having the wisdom to embrace the present.” -Dr. Steve Mavaboli
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” -Anonymous