A fresh start everyday…
Isn’t is refreshing to know that every morning your eyes open, you have a redo? Every morning as I take time with God and my coffee, before my day begins, I reflect on the day before. “She who kneels before God can stand before anyone” -Romans 8:37 I reflect on what I could of done differently. How I could be a better person. How I could be a more impactful leader. How I can connect with my students better. How I can show my boys I love them more than they will ever know. I ask myself “Where did I see God yesterday throughout my day?” and “Where did God wink in my day?”. These are two questions I have learned to ask over the past year from a very dear colleague and mentor, my pastor.
Reflection to me is very important. This allows for you to grow as person and be better than you were yesterday. This also allows me to come one with my emotions. Due to my past, I closed all my emotions off. After much prayer to find who I was again, my emotions began to flood back and I didn’t know (sometimes still don’t) know how to manage them. When I have this overwhelming feeling of emotions, I refer to Psalm 61:2 “Lead me when my heart is overwhelmed, Lead me to the Rock higher than I”. So, today let’s, together, be grateful for fresh start we are given every morning….
“Let God direct your steps.” -Proverbs 3:6